About Us
Moravskoslezský automobilový klastr, z.s.
Moravskoslezský automobilový klastr z.s. (hereinafter referred to as the AUTOKLASTR) was established in order to support innovation and increase the competitiveness and export capacity of interconnected companies, entrepreneurs and institutions operating in the Moravian-Silesian Region. It strives to build a common identity of companies in the cluster and wants to establish trust and positive attitudes towards the automotive industry and the entire region.
The cluster actively ensures the sustainability of benefits for its members by developing and coordinating innovative approaches in:
Harnessing and developing human potential is a prioroty and competitive advantage
human potential -
Efficient supplier-customer chains strenghten competitivness
relationships -
Research and development activities
Collective research and development streamlines and acclerates innovation
Additional benefits for Cluster Members
- The cluster develops and supports innovative projects, processes and value-added products.
- The cluster increases the voice and power of small and medium-sized companies
- Companies have a better opportunity to obtain support co-financed from the Structural and other funds.
- Promotion of the civic association Autoklastr and members of Autoklastr in the country and abroad.
- Autoklastr member obtains information more easily, faster and mostly free of charge from the cluster management, support institutions and members, which he would not have obtained or would find very difficult as an independent company.
- Autoklastr closely cooperate with national partners:
- CzechInvest
- National Cluster Association
- Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Regional Office of the Moravian-Silesian Region
- Moravian-Silesian Innovation Center
- Association for the Development of the Moravian – Silesian Region
- API Agency

The mission of the cluster
Creating conditions and supporting the competitiveness of members for the sustainable development of the region
Cluster visions
To become an integrator of companies, educational and research institutions and other stakeholders whose activities support the development of the automotive industry in the region
Cluster values
• People, their knowledge and skills
• Cooperation based on trust
• Innovation and flexibility
• Mutual benefit
• Commitment